I am Nichelle Dawkins, and I am running for re-election for the Bedford City Council. My theme has been to Carry the Vision Forward that Bedford be a quality community and a place of economic vitality for the next generation of Bedford residents.
Since joining the Bedford City Council in August 2022, the following was accomplished:
City Budget and Management
- For the 2022 - 2023 fiscal year, a 10.2% tax rate decrease of was approved as part of a budget that included with increased budgets for police staff, fire department staff, and debt reduction.
- For the 2023 - 2024 fiscal year, the tax rate remained the same yet more funding to rebuild city Animal Shelter, Central Fire Station, and overall 3% increase for non-sworn city employees.
Investing in Infrastructure
- Major paving of Forest Ridge and Bedford Road Paved as part of the 5-year Street Improvement Plan.
- Additional neighborhood streets were paved.
Sustaining Public Safety Support
- Approved polices and fire salary increases in 2023 - 2024 budget.
- Funded part -time staff positions for police.
- Increased budgets for fire equipment, supplies and overtime.
Promoting Citizen Involvement
- Record 90 applications for Bedford's Boards and Commissions in 2022.
- Establishment Bedford University with record interest in 2023.
- Advocated for and re-established Senior Advisor Board in conjunction with new Senior Center rebuild.
I would like to continue to focus on the following in an upcoming term:
Strategic Redevelopment
- Finalized new Master Plan with focus on South Bedford/Brown Trail Corridor.
- Develop new strategy for Bedford Commons.
- Finalize development for Campus West/157 properties.
Increased Communication Opportunities with Citizens
Bedford's communication department has done an incredible job leveraging social media and other forms to inform citizens. I would like to find additional ways to provide citizen updates in partnership with the Bedford Center YMCA, Bedford Library, and the Senior Center.