Here are my stances on the issues in our community.
City Communication/Transparency
Bedford has improved communications with new leadership. The Bedford Connection is delivering timely content; residents can get updates on Bedford’s social media channels. However, there are still more opportunities to improve. Residents want greater transparency and to be involved in decision-making. Not all residents have social media. The City’s website is difficult to navigate. Because of these communication gaps, I plan to advocate that the City is transparent with any changes and have more ways for residents to be informed.
Tree Preservation
I support tree preservation. Any changes to development may affect the trees we have. We have an existing Tree Ordinance that details what trees are desirable in our city. This ordinance needs to be updated so developers have requirements to ensure desirable trees are preserved or replaced when developing land. If elected, I will advocate for this change to safeguard our trees.
Code Enforcement
Code enforcement has not been regularly applied throughout the city. If elected, I will work with the City Manager to ensure we have a consistent approach to code.
Generations Park at Boys Ranch
If elected, I hope to increase communication and transparency for the next steps for the Park, including membership pricing and how the partnership will work with the YMCA.